Monday, March 31, 2008

Teeth lost and gained...

Well, our big girl has now lost all 4 of her front teeth. And our little one has two new pearly whites on the bottom. Apparently, we are on a trade basis in our house. Really drives home the fact that time marches on... and kids are growing up. It's enough to make a mommy cry (and believe me I have).

Next week Sophie and Ty begin T-Ball! We are all excited and have started practicing batting in the street. This will be Ty's first adventure in organized sports and we hope he has a good first experience. He is definitely an athlete, but only time will tell where his real interest lies. Right now he is focused on his friends interests. For example, "Mom, Wyatt is REALLY INTO skateboarding. And Tony Hawk; he is really into Tony Hawk". Where does he get this stuff? This is pre-school? I just have to sit back and take it all in...

Off to bed, the tooth fairy comes tonight and we all know that we must be soundly asleep before she can make her deposit!

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