Sunday, January 27, 2008


This post by Ty. I liked it and it was cool. It crashed into a big MINIVAN, an old, old van. It was awesome. The motorcycles were jumping off of ramps and it was awesome. When those guy who bury up dead people, he was crushing that minivan too. It is going to start on Friday too and we want to go again.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Welcome folks! After reading through my sis n law Jeanne's blog I have decided to go for it! This seems like a fantastic way to document some of the events in our busy lives and I hope to stay on task with it. I make no promises, but I hope to share a little on a regular basis.

I will kick off by explaining that as I sit here typing, (Evie sleeping peacefully next to me in the office) Scott, Soph and Ty are at the Monster Truck show. Stop your laughing, you know it sounds fun, and crazy, and ridiculously loud! No worries, they brought earplugs and I am sure they are screaming their heads off with pure joy right now.